Our mission is to validate the best interest of the child in custody mediation and accelerate your family trust.    ______________________________________________

You are the bows from which your children 

As living arrows are sent forth 

The Archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite 

And He bends you with His might 

That His arrows may go swift and far 

Let your bending in the Archer's hand be for gladness 

For even as He loves the arrow that flies 

So He loves also the bow that is stable 

- Kahlil Gibran

Interaction Focused Family Institute Founder 

Nathan Johnston-Chiszar & Chuck Hoskin Jr., 

Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation

Rev. Dr. Nathan Johnston-Chiszar, EdD, PCC


(918) 205 -1258 | Tulsa, Oklahoma

Nathan Johnston-Chiszar is an internationally certified transformational coach, motivational speaker, and founder of the Interaction Focused Family Institute. An ordained inter-faith minister, his approach is based on knowledge gained from decades of experience in the fields of Early Childhood Education and Applied Behavior Analysis. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Behavior from City University of Seattle, and a Doctorate in Education from California State University, Stanislaus. 

Beginning in the 1990’s, Nathan worked for the Department of Defense to develop reunion and reintegration programs for military families experiencing post-deployment conflict on three continents. He now works with parents to eliminate controversy in custody battles by developing the assets of an evidence validation system the court must admit to the record. With all of the assets in place, parents save valuable time reconnecting with their child after a high-conflict divorce, without wasting money fighting the system. 

Instead of the "one-size-fits all" approach typical of many family court system interventions, Nathan uses the proprietary Interaction Focused® Family PRIIDE system to create evidence-based solutions that are unique to the circumstance of every family.  This is a common sense approach that uses single case design research methods from the field of applied behavior analysis to focus on what everyone can agree is in the best interest of the child. 

Without objective facts and evidence, the court must rely on hearsay testimony that attorneys use to create controversy, and piece together an argument supported by the subjective opinions of expert witnesses who are not generally trained in the proven principles of behavioral learning theory. The Interaction Focused Family Institute gives parents the skill sets and the mindset they need to exercise all their parental rights and responsibilities, and set the record straight in family court. 

IF Foundations is the signature coaching program for high-achieving, dedicated parents who will do whatever it takes to move beyond the black and white, he said/she said, blame and shame game of the past to realize the full spectrum of their potential as leaders of their family for the next 7 generations. Whether or not you have a lawyer, this program provides the foundation for your family to  recover from inherited trauma, and emerge from involvement in the legal justice system without being broken.